IAS Prelims

The Civil Services Examination (CSE) in India is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and it consists of three stages - the Preliminary Examination, the Main Examination, and the Personality Test.

The Preliminary Examination is the first stage of the CSE and it consists of two papers - General Studies and Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT). Both papers are of objective type and carry a maximum of 200 marks each. The duration of each paper is two hours.

The purpose of the Preliminary Examination is to shortlist candidates for the Main Examination, which is the second stage of the CSE. The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination are not counted for the final selection, but only serve as a qualifying test to select candidates for the Main Examination.

IAS Prelims Preparation Strategy

Preparing for the IAS Prelims Examination requires a disciplined and well-planned approach. Here are some strategies that can help candidates prepare for the IAS Prelims Examination:

By following these strategies, candidates can prepare well for the IAS Prelims Examination and improve their chances of clearing the exam. It is important to have a disciplined approach and work hard consistently to succeed in this competitive exam.